Methods that are being done to reduce spread of COVID-19 in homeless community

Shelters, meal programs and other organizations have teamed up to create a condition for homeless community to enable physical distancing. The organizations have teamed up to create a condition where they make the shelters more spacious and have the beds spread out further to reduce the risk of spread for COVID-19.

In Montreal, Calgary, their government and shelter personnel created additional strategy to move homeless people who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms to be moved into hotels and motels.

In addition, the programs have requested to move people who have shown symptoms of COVID-19 and create drop-in sites which have been already implemented by the government and shelter personnel in locations: Calgary and the region of Peel in Ontario.

There has to be more additional funding to shelter programs and human resources in order for sufficient support toward homeless community during the pandemic.

How Each Respective Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations’ features of homelessness, its prevalence, its consequences, and all the policy and other approaches to minimize COVID-19

Federal Government

Provincial Government
