Homepage/ Racism and Discrimination/ Anti-Racism Policies

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<aside> ℹ️ This page explores the Federal government current policies and budget that address Racism and Discrimination in Canada. Covering the Anti-Racism strategy and Canadian Human Rights Act.


Current Government Anti-Racism Policy

How is the Government of Canada Combating Racism and Discrimination?

The government of Canada acknowledges the years in which they contributed to systemic racism. They now continue to combat issues of racism through federal policy. Pablo Rodriguez, Minister of Canadian Heritage & Multiculturalism, recently claimed that events domestically and abroad have indicated that all communities are prone to hateful rhetoric, whether that be racism and discrimination that is anti-Indigenous, Islamophobic, antisemitic, anti-Black, or homophobic. "The Government of Canada needs to do more to combat racism and discrimination in its various forms."

The development of a new federal anti-racism strategy followed engagement sessions from October 2018 to March 2019, held across the country to gather input from Canadians, from those with lived experiences of racism and discrimination, in order to help inform the development of

This new federal anti-racism strategy built on three principles: **

Demonstrating Federal Leadership

Empowering Communities

Building Awareness & Changing Attitudes

The Liberal Party of Canada acknowledges the systemic racism embedded in the way people are hired, promoted, the kinds of services they receive and how they interact with institutions like schools and courtrooms. More details on the Liberal Party's position on racism can be found here.

Equality at work, fairer justice system, online hate speech,exploitation, and harassment online are three examples of the Liberal Party of Canada's platform commitments to ensure action against racism and discrimination.